Tajfutásért-Pécs - CBC-ORIENT CUP I (HR)

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CBC-ORIENT CUP I (HR) - Bulletin (New date: May 8th 2021)


CBC-ORIENT CUP I (HR) - Postponement

Dear Orienteering Friends,


We would like to inform you that the orientation race that was supposed to take place in Trakošćan, on September 19, 2020 has been postponed. The reason for the delay is the current unenviable situation with the COVID-19 pandemic. The race is organized within the project "Cross-border co-operation in Orienteering II" (CBC-ORIENT) and co-financed by the Interreg VA Hungary-Croatia Co-operation Program 2014-2020. The race was to be held in cooperation with our Hungarian partner and lead beneficiary by the "Tajfutasért-Pécs" Alapítvány. The Hungarian Government also closed its borders, which made it impossible for our partners to come. By mutual agreement, we made the decision to postpone the race.


We will inform you about the new date in a timely manner!


The organizers


Click here to download the official communique (PDF).


CBC-ORIENT CUP I (HR) - Bulletin