Tajfutásért-Pécs - Versenyértesítő

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“Tájfutásért-Pécs” Alapítvány and ORIJENTACIJSKI KLUB SOVA have the pleasure to invite you to the cultural event of the EU-funded project CBC-ORIENT.


Date: 10th of August 2017 7 pm

Place: Panorama Camping Orfű, Dollár str. 4.


During the cultural event CROATIAN FOLK ENSEMBLE BELI MANASTIR will perform.

DSCN2360_resize.JPGCroatian Folk Ensemble Beli Manastir was established in 1995. Program orientation is based on rich musical and dance folklore tradition of the Croatian people. A special importance is given to the traditions of Baranya’s folklore and encouraging young people in cultural and artistic activities. Numerous honourable awards for ensemble’s activities decorate walls of their facility. They refer to festivals of cultural creativity throughout Croatia, international festivals and folklore festivals abroad. Numerous choreographies are based on the original musical, dance and vocal traditions of the region.



We are looking forward to meeting you in Orfű!


Éva Mező                                                           Dolores Pajčin

“Tájfutásért-Pécs” Alapítvány                          ORIJENTACIJSKI KLUB SOVA

President of Advisory board                                  President

CBC-ORIENT Opening Ceremony in press



Project summary

Project of „Cross-border cooperation in Orienteering” is based on the prior co-operation of the Orienteering-Pécs Foundation and the Orienteering Club Sova.  The project aims at activating young people to support healthy life styles through sport activities, to develop cultural awareness and tolerance towards different cultures and enable them discover their identities and roles as young individuals in European Context. In general our main goal is the popularisation of foot orienteering on the border area.
Orienteering is a sport which combines both physical and mental element. The basic idea is to proceed from course start to finish by visiting a number of control points in a predetermined order with the help of a special orienteering map and compass. In order to choose the best possible route, orienteers look at the characteristics of the terrain, and the winner is determined by the fastest time to complete the course.


Our project shows the society positive experience of co-operation and positive picture of sport. We would like to reach the public of the Interreg Programme:
-to motivate more young people to physical activity in nature, thus preventing health problems,
-supporting young people in training basic skills needed to make their way in life,
-foster social equity and social inclusion through a sport at low costs,
-to give better access to sport in the area,
-to give higher motivation for physical activity for everyone regardless of their age.


Stay tuned!
Be part of our unique project!




It is our honor to announce that our cross-border project with OK SOVA has been started on the 1st of July 2017. CBC-ORIENT is co-financed by the Interreg V-A Hungary-Croatia Co-operation Programme 2014-2020. Stay tuned and be part of our unique projectalairas